
The Sensor Technology SQ26-01 hydrophone is a reliable, low cost, rugged hydrophone which is integrated into instrumentation.

The SQ26-01 hydrophone is commonly used in towed arrays, AUVs, and autonomous recorders. This hydrophone is very popular with student AUV competition teams.

The usable response (+3/-12dB) is good to better than 50kHz. The official "Flat" frequency response (±1dB) is rated to 28kHz. See the frequency response plots and the beam pattern plots (click on any thumbnail for enlargements).

Although the SQ26-01 hydrophone is low cost, it is a professional hydrophone and is not recommended for novice users.

The SQ26-01 hydrophone has a 2000m depth rating and is, therefore, subject to export restrictions.

Please contact us for your inquiries.
